Make Your Teeth Look Bright and New! The Benefits of Dental Veneers.

Smart Smile • Jun 16, 2020

Are your teeth stained, chipped, or worn and regular methods won't remedy the issue? The benefits of veneers are that they can fix these issues and more!

Are you looking for an upgrade to your teeth? Are your pearly whites not feeling so pearly white anymore? Veneers and other types of cosmetic dentistry are remarkably popular for celebrities and "average folk" alike, especially with the popularity of social media. They're a great way to change your smile overnight.

Have you considered dental veneers for your teeth? It might seem like a big step. They're expensive, sure, and you might think that they only hold aesthetic value. This isn't true. There are many benefits of veneers that go beyond what you see in the mirror. 

If you're on the fence about your new dental decision, you're not alone. Plenty of people are making the choice to get veneers every day. It makes sense to do your research though, so you're making the right first step.

Keep reading to learn about some unexpected benefits of veneers that aren't just for giving you a more beautiful smile. 

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin coverings custom-made for your teeth, generally out of porcelain or resin composite materials. 

These coverings are cemented to the front of the teeth to perfect the color and shape and create a more even and beautiful smile. 

Porcelain veneers tend to have a more realistic appearance than resin veneers, and they also are less prone to staining, making them more durable in the long run. Both are valid options for cosmetic dentistry, but porcelain will be less noticeable as a "fake" set of teeth. 

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the closest you can get to your real teeth. They allow you to live the kind of life you want confidently. 

Think about dental implants as synthetic tooth roots. They are similar in shape to screws. A dental implant is placed in your jawbone and it bonds with your natural bone. They are a sturdy base that supports your teeth. 
The artificial teeth are called crowns. Crowns are customized to match your natural teeth and fit inside your mouth. An abutment (a connector) is placed at the top of the implant. It supports the crowns. 

This dental implant technology has been used for over 30 years. They look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. They are one of the strongest devices to replace your natural teeth. 

What Can Veneers Do For You?

Dental veneers have many different uses, some of them unexpected. Whether your issue is minor or major, or even if it's slightly more than cosmetic, dental veneers might be the answer to your smile woes. 

Fix Unsightly Spacing or Misalignment

There are many options when it comes to fixing the appearance of teeth that aren't completely straight or spaced correctly. Invisalign is a popular option, as are metal braces. 

However, for minor spacing or alignment issues, does this really seem like the right choice? If you're unsure, talking to your dentist about porcelain veneers as an option might open your eyes to a different solution. 

Any kind of orthodontic work is going to take a bit of time. Even minor spacing issues take several months and require a lifetime of retainer wear. If you have minor issues, it's likely you've already had braces and have since forgone your retainer. 

Veneers help to fix that problem. You can have instant results, no waiting required. 

Hide Discoloration

It's rare for teeth to be perfectly white. Generally, they're beige at the best of times, but it could be worse if you're a smoker, an all-day coffee or tea drinker, or if your genetics or dental hygiene have contributed to discoloration. 
These things happen and it's a fixable problem. You could get a teeth-whitening treatment. However, you could also ask your dentist about veneers to fix significant discoloration. 

Sometimes whitening treatments just aren't enough to actually fix the problem. Veneers, though, entirely solve it by coating your teeth in smooth and beautiful porcelain. They also resist future staining. 

Worn, Misshapen, or Broken Teeth

Broken teeth can be embarrassing and entirely not your fault. They're difficult to fix with a natural appearance, though. 

If the tooth is near the front of your mouth, it can completely ruin your self-esteem to have that broken tooth. Even just teeth that are worn down and misshapen can cloud your opinion of your entire smile, even if others don't notice. 

Cosmetic dentistry can be the answer. Veneers cover those teeth quickly and easily, making them look new and pristine. 

Teeth that are Too Small or Too Big

Does your smile seem a little off because of the size of your teeth? 

While the veneers are custom-made to suit your smile, they can be adjusted to be larger or smaller (with a shaved-down tooth) to create the custom smile that you have in mind.

You don't have to worry about teeth that feel like the wrong size for your mouth any longer. 

What is the Veneers Process?

If this all sounds appealing to you, you might be wondering how you can make it happen. Is it scary? Is it invasive? The veneers process is actually pretty simple. 

One of the benefits of veneers is that they are non-invasive. Many patients don't even require anesthesia. 
Your dentist will evaluate your smile to make sure that you're actually a good candidate for veneers. This is an important step. 

Next, your teeth have to be shaved down slightly. You'll lose about 1.5 mm of tooth as well as any decay that may be lingering. You need a clean "canvas." 

Your dentist will then make an impression of your teeth and help you pick a correct tooth shade. It might be tempting to pick the whitest shade, but if you want a natural look, you don't want to go "blinding". Remember, against your lips, your teeth will look much whiter!

This is the point where you will have to wait. Your new teeth need to be created either in-house or in a lab. This could take a week or so, but your dentist should provide you with a safe covering for your newly delicate teeth. 
When your teeth are finished, you'll return for your appointment to evaluate the size, shape, and fit. If everything looks good, the dentist will affix your new veneers onto your shaved-down teeth, giving you an instantly beautiful new smile.  

Are You Interested in the Many Benefits of Veneers?

If you've been wondering whether or not cosmetic dentistry is for you, or if the benefits of veneers suit your dental needs, it might be time to visit your local dentist. The veneers process is simple and the results, once your new teeth have arrived, are instant and beautiful. 

If you want to pursue a perfect new smile today, visit us at Smart Smile in Orange, CA. We can't wait to help you reach your cosmetic dentistry goals. Contact us for an appointment.
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